Yellow Jackets


Yellow jackets are otherwise known as genus Dolichovespula or Vespula and can be any of the 35 to 40 species of social wasps.

  • Habits

Female yellow jackets are extremely territorial and will become aggressive when disturbed. A single yellowjacket will sting repeatedly.

  • Threats

When yellow jacket colonies or disrupted possibly by being stepped on, they will become angered and will sting. For those that are allergic, this can be quite deadly.

  • Prevention

Because yellow jackets can sting multiple times and can be a threat to those who are allergic, it is vital to hire a professional pest control company to get rid of them and prevent them from building new nests. It is also best to destroy these nests at night.

  • Additional Information

A female yellow jacket will begin to build its nest in the spring to prepare for their offspring which will be born the following spring. When the colder weather hits, the males will die leaving only the mated females.

  • Colors

Their abdomen typically has yellow and black markings with a few of the species having a white and black abdomen. Several species can be marked with red.

  • Legs

Yellow jackets do have legs which they tuck under their bodies when they fly.

  • Size

The adult size is typically 0.47 to 0.62 inches in length.

  • Shape

Their shape is round. Their bodies are narrower between the abdomen and thorax

  • Antennae
